Why Buy A Refurbished Laptop?

The price is right

Price is the most obvious advantage of buying a used laptop and the primary motivator for most people. Due to the slow economy many people and businesses are looking for used computers as a way to save money. It’s most likely the primary reason you are reading this article and considering a used computer.

While older computers typically have lower specifications, they often provide far more capability than the average user requires. Even the most basic computer can be used for word processing, spreadsheets, using the Internet, or viewing photos.


If you buy a refurbished laptop or computer from a local computer business such as Fixed Locally, its much easier to get repairs carried out if necessary. Try taking a new computer back to a big chain PC or electronics shop for repairs. You’ll likely have to box up your computer and head for the post office. How long can you afford to wait? And yes, new computers sometimes have problems. In buying a used laptop from a local shop hopefully you’ll be starting a relationship with a repair person there, also.

You Won’t Pay For Things You Don’t Need

The primary difference between a current computer model and one that’s 3-years old is a faster processing speed, more ram and better graphics. These improvements aren’t necessary for 75+% of computer users. Why pay for more than you need? Also, many reconditioned computers already have office and antivirus software and that is another expense you will not incur.

Take a look at our range of professionally refurbished computers and laptops.

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a woman with with blue jumper and rings on her hand typing on a black laptop